Diversity and inclusion at PayFit

Our commitment

We are committed to a culture of diversity and inclusion

Our approach to diversity and inclusion is based on improving the diversity of our teams and fostering an inclusive culture. Some of our key actions include:

  • inclusive leadership training for all managers;

  • diversity and inclusion onboarding for all new hires; 

  • integrating D&I into our key people processes. 

Beyond our global D&I actions, we also work on several key focus areas. 

The scope of our commitment

Gender equality

Our successes

  • Sign the Parental Act to put in place initiatives to support parents

  • Commit to the French Tech Gender Balance Charter to improve gender representation

  • Build partnerships with associations invested in gender equality in tech

  • Create the Gender Equality Employee Resource Group: Women@PayFit

  • Organise awareness-raising conferences

  • Develop our hiring process with unconscious bias training and inclusive job descriptions

  • Improve our Gender Index score to 89/100 that monitors the gender pay gap

  • Promote our flexible working environment with the Work From Anywhere policy

Our next actions

  • Build talent and career development programs that are inclusive by design

  • Initiate a mentoring program for women to accelerate leadership development

  • Provide increased support for parents and future parents 

  • Continue to reinforce and build upon our key success from 2022

Academic background diversity

Our successes

  • Recruit without any requirement of predefined academic background

  • Set and meet goals around hiring candidates without a Master’s degree

  • Raise awareness about the added value of having diversity of thought and experiences

  • Focus on value fit rather than culture fit during the recruitment process

  • Train our managers and recruiters on unconscious bias 

Our next actions

  • Put in place partnerships with organisations that help with professional training opportunities

  • Continue our previous actions and monitor our progress to ensure we are hiring teams with a diversity of academic backgrounds


Our successes

  • Make sure the recruitment process is accessible, and if need put in place accommodations 

  • Provide a dedicated budget for all employees to adapt their workspace at home

  • Support employees with a disability with personalised and ergonomic material

  • Identify a cross-department team of disability contacts for additional support 

  • Set up an external partnership to assist with the disability declaration process 

  • Raise awareness through conferences on individual experiences on disability 

  • Provide access to a platform that offers mental health support and the possibility to have individual consultations

Our next actions

  • Better understand the disability needs of current employees to ensure equal opportunities 

  • Train all employees on disability inclusion

  • Continue the positive momentum around disability inclusion and expand actions to target inclusion by design


Our successes

  • Create the Pride LGBTQIA+ Employee Resource Group to reinforce safe spaces

  • Share an internal communication by the CEO to support Pride Month 

  • Partner with LGBT+ Talents to promote inclusion in the workplace

  • Participate in Tech Changer Club by 50inTech on LGBT+ inclusion

Our next actions

  • Develop the Pride LGBTQIA+ Employee Resource Group 

  • Participate in and organise awareness raising conferences and trainings

  • Communicate regularly to build the inclusive culture and reinforce the zero tolerance policy for discrimination

Our figures

Employees with a declared disability
Women in top management
Women in Tech Teams
Women working at PayFit
Equality Index 2024 score